August slipped past without me even realizing that it was Alison's seven-year anniversary. Happy anniversary, Alison.
This novel started out as a graduate thesis and ended up as a catalyst launching me into a whole different path. When I published Intoxic, I really thought it was the only thing I would publish. I didn't know that I had more stories living inside of my head. I needed to finish it, and since I let the master's slip away because I couldn't share it, it had always lived in my mind as a failure. I wrote it to achieve my master's degree and I did not do that. I walked away and Alison just hovered, a reminder that I didn't manage what I set out to do. Publishing it was supposed to put that failure to rest. No, I didn't get my master's degree, but I did complete and publish a book. It made it a bit of a wash.
Intoxic, and to be fair, the whole Alison Hayes Journey opened doors that I didn't even know existed. I learned about publishing, and worked for a small press, doing layout and design. I started doing content editing and continued writing. I met hundreds of other writers, just in Georgia, and built a network of people inspired by words and story-telling. Beyond that, I learned so much about myself and other people through the writing of them. It was a great therapy.
If you haven't read her, give her a try. Read, review, read the next. Repeat. Go Alison Hayes.