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Angie Gallion Lovell
3 min read
Jean Hines, Spreading Love and Joy
We've been at our current school for two years now. It's the longest my kids have been in a single system. My oldest started school...

Angie Gallion Lovell
2 min read
Non-Stop Norah
When you come home, you have the pleasure of running into people you haven't seen in a long time, and you also hear the stories that have...

Angie Gallion
4 min read
T.L. Curtis - Poet of the Soul
T.L. Curtis is a poet who started her career as a mental health therapist and is very versed in the variables that play a role in the...

Angie Gallion
3 min read
David Allman - A Quiet Kindness
David Allman is one of the first indie published writers I met last year when I started promoting Intoxic. We met at a local book...

Angie Gallion
4 min read
Malikah Harris - Taking it to the Prisons
Malikah is one of my Gallion Picks Authors, and while I found her book, Generational Curses, to be a disturbing cross section into a...

Angie Gallion
5 min read
Janet Fix - Champion for Authors
I'm starting the People Who Inspire series by highlighting one of the people who have given me this platform. My editor, Janet Fix. As...

Angie Gallion
2 min read
People Who Inspire
I am exhausted by all the negativity being piped into our homes every day. I am exhausted to the point that I have completely tuned out....
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