The Self-Publishing Solution
You've written it, you've had it edited, now publish it. We at Beech House understand how complicated the maze of indie publishing can be and we want to help you navigate through to successful publication. You have invested long hours and hard work into creating your book and we believe it should be shared.
Beech House Books is not a publisher, we are consultants. We make the process simple. We take your edited manuscript and prepare it for print and digital publication. At the end of the process, you will have access to your print-on-demand book, and it will be available to all the online outlets digitally. After we complete the initial publication there are no further financial obligations. You will not split your royalties with Beech House. We will remain available to you to answer questions as they arise.
If your book has not gone through editing, we can provide you with several editorial services to contact. We also have connections with cover designers.
Contact us to discuss your project.