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A Little About Me

and the Beech House

I grew up in East Central Illinois and now reside with my husband and our children outside of Atlanta, Georgia. My writings often deal with personal growth through tragedy or trauma. I enjoy exploring complex relationships, often set against the backdrop of addiction or mental illness.  I have been amazed by the way readers have taken to the Alison Hayes Journey and have enjoyed participating in several book clubs via Skype or in person during the last two years.  Two questions come up at every single meeting:

1. Is this your life story?

2. Is there another Alison Hayes book?

The short answers are no and yes.  No, I did not grow up like Alison.  I had a very tradition, nuclear family and alcohol was never part of the equation.  Yes, there is a fourth Alison Hayes book, and I am about 80,000 word into the rough draft at this time.  I feel like this may be the end of Alison's series, but there may be a side project that develops as I'm thinking about Emily Ann. 


In May 2018 I moved away from the independent platform and relaunched the Alison Hayes series with thewordverve, a small traditional publisher out of Georgia.  I am excited to be a part of their team and thrilled with the potential reach their footing in the publishing industry will offer. The re-release features entirely redesigned covers and interiors. The final installment in the series, Emergent, was launched in January 2019.  


Off the Dark Ledge, a psycholodical thriller was published by thewordverve in July 2018. It is a story about a woman, Stacy Linde, who discovers dark secrets in her past and must come to terms with her new reality or risk losing herself. It is a more complicated storyline than the Alison Hayes Journey, and it took me places I didn't expect to go.  It delves into the age-old question "Who and I?" I enjoy shattering the soul and seeing how it knits itself back together. 


I am excited about the future, as I cast about for my next writing project. I have enjoyed designing the new covers and learning the skills to create professional grade interior layouts.  I've liked it so much that I'm now doing it for other authors.  Be sure to check out my design site Beech House Books. We launched Beech House Books in 2018, offering design services, book cover, interior layout, content analysis and editing, marketing flyers and posters, and media kit development. Independent publishing can be very rewarding if you go in knowing what to expect.  One of the most rewarding aspects for me over the last two years has been the interactions I have enjoyed with other aspiring writers, and I hope through Beech House Books I can help others finish what they've started and publish. W.ith the rise of the Beech House design side of my business, I have less time to focus on reviews and blogs posts, but as I come across a great book, I will put a review out.  


Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you'll give my books a read, and let me know what you think.  If you are interested in working with me on your design project, contact me at I want more writers to find success in publishing and think there is plenty to be had. I'm happy to answer questions about my writing and publishing experiences. 


If you are a library, book club, or bookstore interested in having me attend an event, contact me,


If you are in the media, you may download my digital Press Kit.


Official Website for Illinois-Raised, Georgia Author, Angie Gallion
© 2016 by Angie Gallion. Proudly created with WIX.COM
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